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Xu Z, Shi L, Wang Y, Zhang J, Huang L, Zhang C, Liu S, Zhao P, Liu H, Zhu L, Tai Y, Bai C, Gao T, Song J, Xia P, Dong J, Zhao J, Wang FS
Public health emergencies have an impact on the public mental health. The outbreak of the novel coronavirus has affected the normal diagnosis and treatment services in stomatological institutions across the country. Delay of non-emergency dental service will have a potential impact on the experience, cognition, treatment and rehabilitation of patients with oral diseases. Through literature retrieving, this article reviewed the oral psychosomatic diseases closely related to a patient's psychological status, such as oral mucosal disease, temporomandibular joint disease, bruxism, periodontal disease and so on. It was believed that the patients with these disorders might be more susceptible to the impact of stress events, and need be paid more attention by dental specialists. At the same time, this article analyzes the possible psychological stress symptoms of patients with various oral diseases, and puts forward suggestions for remote consultation and emergency treatment of dentists. From the perspective of social role, dentist plays not only the role of expert for professional guidance in dentistry, but also the role of helper in psychological counseling for patients.
The Lancet. Respiratory medicine (IF: 25.094 / Quartile: 1)
WOS Cites: 2444
SemanticScholar Cites: 3906
SemanticScholar Citation Velocity: 1071
SemanticScholar Influential Citation Count: 229
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